The Alcohol Awareness Course is open to all individuals who have been cited with a Minor in Possession (MIP) of alcohol citation and mandated by a court to attend. SACADA is a certified provider of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) and valid for anyone receiving an MIP or other related alcohol citation in the state of Texas.
This course is the first weekend of the month unless it conflicts with a holiday, to which is moved to the following weekend.
- This is a 6-hour course that is taught in 3-hour increments over a 2-day span.
- The course is from 2:00 PM-5:00 PM both days.
- Participants must attend both classes in order to receive a Certificate of Completion.
Registration for class will be taken until 12:00 PM the Friday before class. Anyone registering afterward will be moved to the following month’s course.
For the safety of our participants and staff, the course will continue to be held virtual until further notice.
Click here for registration and upcoming class times.
For questions or more information, contact:
[email protected], or call us at (210) 225-4741.
Class fee is $50.
All sales are final with purchase of class. Participants must register and pay in advance before the first day of class. SACADA accepts cash and credit card.