San Antonio Community Resource Directory

Our Peer Recovery Coaches provide case management services and follow-up for those participants that are under 35 and that have been referred by the legal system, CPS or employers as a result of their substance use.

To be enrolled you must attend orientation. Please call 210-227-2634 for day/time/location details.

Our stipulated program consists of group meetings, education classes, social activities, and individual sessions.

Appointments for individual sessions must be set up in advance with your peer coach or call 210-227-2634 during hours of operation. The individual must set up the appointment, not someone else.

We have a requested $70 donation which helps offset the costs of running the program including groups, one-on-one sessions, case management and reporting to your officers or case managers.

There is a $10 fee to replace the signatures on lost attendance forms.

Updated within the last 3 months.