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The Archdiocese of San Antonio is dedicated to providing Deaf and hard-of-hearing persons and their families access to the Catholic Faith so that they may participate in all aspects of parish life including worship, the sacraments, religious education and ministry to others.

Hearing-impaired. To have time to secure an interpreter, requests must be submitted at least two weeks in advance of the date services are needed using the online submission form.

Initial Fee: $60–$100* (for a 2-hour minimum requirement)
Hourly Rate: $30–$50 each additional hour

*Initial fee and hourly rate are dependent upon the certification level of the interpreter.

To secure an interpreter, requests must be submitted at least two weeks in advance of the date services are needed. Other specifics are provided on the service request form.

Angela Mauer Send email
(210) 734-2620 x: 1085
Video Phone
(210) 305-5689