Oracle Health Foundation (Nonprofit )

Oracle Health Foundation, formerly First Hand Foundation, delivers pediatric grants and school-based wellness programs to create healthier tomorrows and stronger communities.

We believe all children deserve access to the healthcare they need, no matter their life circumstances, and we strive toward a world in which that’s the reality.

Shanna Adamic - Executive Director
Online and Virtual Assistance

Children facing difficult times—such as being placed in foster care—can feel lost, scared, or alone and may have few possessions. The sometimes-sudden upheaval of their lives means they may not have basics such as a change of clothes or a toothbrush.

Through our care kits program, they receive their own kits full of age-appropriate personal items, creating a sense of comfort and security.

Do you or your organization know children in need? Click here to request more information.

Updated within the last 1 month.

Financial constraints and insurance limitations sometimes make it impossible for families to cover their child's medical expenses. Oracle Health Foundation's pediatric grants connect children to needed care when finances stand in the way. Applications are accepted from the United States and through select international providers.

Click here to learn more and request a grant.

Funding criteria:

  • The child must be 18 years of age or younger (a person 19–21 may be considered if they are in a child-like mental state).
  • The child must be under the care of a physician.
  • The request must be clinically relevant to a specific healthcare need of the child.
  • There must be no existing insurance coverage for the requested expenses.
  • One request per 12 months, per child for a maximum of three times in a child’s lifetime.
Updated within the last 1 month.