The Avenida Guadalupe Association is a neighborhood-based organization incorporated in 1979 and is engaged in not-for-profit neighborhood revitalization and economic development projects in the near Westside.  Less than two miles from downtown, Avenida has developed as far west as Zarzamora Street and plans to develop existing and new affordable housing further east of Smith Street.  During more than 30 years of service, the Avenida Guadalupe Association invested in economic and housing development, stimulating commerce while preserving the physical and spiritual character of the Avenida Guadalupe neighborhood.

The Avenida Guadalupe Association is a Community Development Corporation that for more than 30 years has been committed to it’s neighborhood, tirelessly fortifying the Guadalupe Street commercial corridor, building affordable senior communities, offering housing counseling and financial education programs to underserved populations, and honoring the roots of San Antonio’s Mexican-American Cultural Heritage.

Click here to learn more about each property

  • San Jacinto – Senior Community Residence
  • Eenest C. Olivares – Senior Community Residence
  • Charles A. Gonzalez –  Senior Community Residence

This low-income senior citizen

Updated within the last year