If someone you love suffers because of food, there is help.
If you are reading this, you may have a family member or friend finding recovery in Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA). Or, perhaps, someone you care about is suffering as a result of their relationship to food and you wonder if FA can help.
Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) is based on the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Unlike diet programs which rely on willpower and effort, FA addresses addiction, and recovery is rooted in surrender. As a result, members find lasting freedom from cravings and maintain healthy weights for years and even decades.
FA members have found that we are addicted not only to foods made with flour and sugar but to quantities of food as well. Many of us have been obese while others were underweight. Some of us maintained a healthy weight but struggled constantly with obsession about our bodies. Without a program of recovery, we are unable to consistently make healthy choices about what we eat, regardless of the incredible willpower often evident in other areas of our lives.
For a basic understanding of food addiction and the program of Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA), and to read about the experience of other family members with loved ones in FA, read the pamphlet To Our Families and Friends. Here is a sample from that pamphlet:
We want to reassure you that although the beginnings may be difficult, in our experience, the result of the FA program can be a greater love and understanding of each other than was ever possible in the past. After a time, we thoroughly adjust to our new way of living.
We participate in life fully and zestfully, enjoying birthday parties, meals out, holiday celebrations, vacations, and other special times with our family and friends. We come to value our families and loved ones more than ever before, and they tell us that they like the people we have become. If someone you love has just joined FA, we believe that there will be many wonderful times ahead for both of you!