San Antonio Community Resource Directory

We can help you learn English so you can...

  • expand your job options.
  • Communicate better with your family, friends, teachers, employers, and doctors.
  • Study to become a North American citizen.
  • Help your children succeed in school.
  • Improve your computer skills.
  • Develop self-confidence and be more independent.
    To be accepted into our program, you must be:
  • 18 years old with the corresponding withdrawal forms from the last school attended and parent or guardian permission (must be present at the time of enrollment)
  • 17 years old with the corresponding withdrawal forms from the last school attended and parent or guardian permission (must be present at the time of enrollment)
  • 16 years old with the corresponding withdrawal forms from the last school attended, the documentation requested by a court, and parent or guardian permission (must be present at the time of enrollment)

Click here for more information.

Free for the student.

Call for locations and class schedules.
Northside ISD - Adult Education & Literacy
(210) 397-8109
Success for Adult Learners
(210) 370-5498
Updated within the last 4 months.