NAMI Greater San Antonio (Nonprofit )

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) envisions a world where all people affected by mental illness live healthy, fulfilling lives supported by a community that cares.

  • We form a community that welcomes all.
  • We learn together and share information, understandings, and experiences.
  • We advocate together.
  • We provide NAMI education and support programs in San Antonio and surrounding areas.
  • We depend on volunteers.
Monday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday: CLOSED
Sunday: CLOSED

Doug Beach - Board President Send email
(210) 734-3349
Kimberly M Pulido - Director of Development & Communications
(210) 734-3349
Online and Virtual Assistance

Would you like to get the latest mental health updates, participate in online discussion groups, learn how to advocate in your community, and add your voice to the mental health movement?

NAMI membership gives you access to local, state, and national levels.

Click here to create a NAMI account. It's FREE!

Subscribe to content that interests you, such as NAMI Now! Connect with others in discussion groups. Manage your profile, preferences, and subscriptions. Upgrade any time!

All members:

  • Receive the NAMI Advocate magazine
  • Get discounts at the NAMI Store
  • Earn member-only content online
  • Have access to discounts at the annual National Convention

More importantly, NAMI San Antonio members make our voice stronger in legislative advocacy.

Consider NAMI membership and one payment gives you access to the local, state, and national levels. Joining helps build donor confidence, plus we learn more from our fellow members and peers!

There are three (3) membership options depending on what works best for you and your family:

$60 per year for Household: Includes all members living at the same address
(This is ideal if you attend Family-to-Family and/or want to train to be a program leader/presenter.)
$40 per year for Individual
(This is ideal if you attend Peer-to-Peer, Connection, and/or want to train to be a program leader or outreach presenter.)
$5 per year for Open Door: Limited budget? We got you!

Updated within the last month

Family Support Group for anyone who cares for someone 18 or younger who might be experiencing warning signs or has a mental health condition.

Please register at the following link if you are interested:


  • Information will be in a confidential and safe environment.
  • Group support does not represent therapeutic, healthcare, or medical advice.

Email [email protected] with additional questions.


This group meets every 2nd Friday of the month at 11:30 am online.
Updated within the last 3 months.

NAMI Family Support Group is a peer-led support group for any adult with a loved one who has experienced symptoms of a mental health condition. Gain insight from the challenges and successes of others facing similar experiences.

NAMI’s support groups are unique because they follow a structured model, ensuring everyone has an opportunity to be heard and to get what they need.

  • Free of cost to participants
  • Designed for adult loved ones of people with mental health conditions
  • Led by family members of people with mental health conditions
  • 60-90 minutes long and meets weekly, every other week, or monthly (varies by location)
  • No specific medical therapy or treatment is endorsed

To Register Email [email protected]


3rd Thursday: 9:00 AM -11:00 AM Room# W105
Ed and Jackie Dickey Send email
(210) 826-3215
Updated within the last month

Building Welcoming, Inclusive, Supportive, & Engaged Communities (A W.I.S.E. Model)

NAMI Bridges to Care San Antonio (NAMI-BTCSA) came into being through two efforts in Our City – the annual Pathways to Hope Mental Wellness conference and the City’s Faith-Based Initiative. Both their visional missions converged into activating congregations as places of mental health and community wellness. Adapting an effective NAMI-Bridges to Care model in St. Louis, NAMI BTCSA officially began on October 1, 2020.

NAMI-Bridges to Care San Antonio (NAMI-BTCSA) builds connections between congregations and service providers, trains people to be companions with one another for mental and behavioral health, brings hope and compassion to our city through cohorts of congregations in each district, and makes known the resources available to all for continued wellness.

Click here to view Certification & Training Modules for Adults.

Click here to view the List of Behavioral Health Friendly Congregations & Organizations.

Click here to view the Calendar of Events.

Do not hesitate to contact Geri Gregory, our Training Coordinator, with any questions at [email protected].

Training is offered at no cost, however, financial contributions are appreciated.

Nuria Diallo Padro MBA, M.Ed., MSW Send email
Genesis Williamson M.A., LPC-A, NAAC Send email
Updated within the last month

Get involved and make a difference in the lives of Americans living with mental health conditions. In this section you can learn the many ways to support NAMI, including tax-deductible donations, becoming a member, and inspiring events such as NAMIWalks.

Click on the links below to learn more:

Donate to NAMI





Pledge to Be StigmaFree

Submit Your Story

Share Your Knowledge

Updated within the last month

NAMI In Our Own Voice presentations change attitudes, assumptions, and ideas about people with mental health conditions.

These free, 40-, 60- or 90-minute presentations provide a personal perspective of mental health conditions, as leaders talk openly about what it's like to have a mental health condition, including:

  • An opportunity to hear open and honest perspectives on a highly misunderstood topic
  • A chance to ask leaders questions, allowing for a deeper understanding of mental health conditions and dispelling stereotypes and misconceptions
  • The understanding that people with mental health conditions have lives enriched by hopes, dreams, and goals
  • Information on how to learn more about mental health and get involved with the mental health community

Click here if you would like to host or attend a NAMI In Our Own Voice presentation.


Updated within the last month

NAMI on Campus clubs are student-led groups that support fellow students raise mental health awareness, educate the campus community, and promote services and supports.

These are peer-run mental health groups designed to help start making a difference for young adults to understand being #stigmafree.

NAMI on Campus clubs help:

  • Support fellow students
  • Raise mental health awareness
  • Educate the campus community
  • Promote and advocate for services and support

NAMI on Campus clubs address mental health issues so that all students have a positive, successful, fun college experience. Click here for more information about joining or starting a club.

StigmaFree is our movement to end the stigma associated with mental illness. Click here to learn how you can join us in creating a StigmaFree campus!

Maria Hoenigman Send email
(210) 734-3349 x: 102
Updated within the last month

NAMI Basics is a six-session education program for parents, caregivers, and other family members who provide care for youth (ages 22 and younger) experiencing mental health symptoms. This program is free to participants, 99% of whom say they would recommend it to others. NAMI Basics is available both in person and online through NAMI Basics OnDemand.

The in-person course is taught by a trained team with lived experience raising a child with a mental health condition. They know what you’re going through because they've been there too.

The OnDemand program is also guided by parents and family members with lived experience but is self-paced and available 24/7. OnDemand offers the flexibility of participating in the course on your schedule. Both formats provide identical information, strategies, and the opportunity to connect with other parents and caregivers.

If you want to register for upcoming classes, click here to complete the interest form and be added to the waitlist.

NAMI Basics is available both in person and online through NAMI Basics OnDemand. In-person meetings are held at the Covenant Presbyterian Church.

Parents and/or family caregivers of children and teens (through 22 years old) who are experiencing symptoms of a mental illness or who have already been diagnosed.


Monday: 10:00 AM
Olga Rodriguez
Updated within the last month

We are pleased to offer these free monthly meetings open to the public. Topics vary, but our priority areas include education, advocacy, and support.

Click here to learn about this month's topic, and advance the calendar to learn about upcoming issues.

NAMI Greater San Antonio welcomes topic suggestions related to the mental health community, and we are always looking for speakers to share their knowledge.

2nd Tuesday: 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM (except January, August and November)
Updated within the last month

NAMI Connection Recovery Support Group is a free, peer-led support group for any adult who has experienced symptoms of a mental health condition. You will gain insight from hearing the challenges and successes of others, and the groups are led by trained leaders who’ve been there.

NAMI’s support groups are unique because they follow a structured model to ensure you and others in the group have an opportunity to be heard and to get what you need.

These groups meet in person at the McDonald’s Family Center Room 104, and online

  • Free of cost to participants
  • Designed for adults (18+) with mental health conditions
  • Led by people with mental health conditions
  • 90 minutes long and meets weekly, every other week, or monthly (varies by location)
  • No specific medical therapy or treatment is endorsed
  • Confidential

The following Zoom link allows you to access all weekly meetings:


Tuesday: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM (Online) Thursday: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM (In-Person)
Chris Baird Send email
Updated within the last 1 month.
This program is active from Jan. 18, 2025 until March 8, 2025

Family-to-Family is a free, eight-class education program designed to help all family members understand and support their loved one with mental illness while maintaining their well-being.

NAMI Family-to-Family teachers who also have loved ones living with mental illness and know what that's like,

Family-to-Family includes:

  • Current information about the major mental illnesses and the most current research available on the biological aspects of these illnesses;
  • Up-to-date information on the possibilities for living in recovery, including a variety of treatment strategies currently available;
  • A class on empathy that creates an understanding of the subjective lived experience of a person living with mental illness;
  • Specific skills training in the areas of problem-solving, listening, communication techniques, and handling crises and relapse;
  • An overall focus on care for the caregiver such as learning to cope with worry, stress, and emotional overload;
  • Guidance on locating appropriate supports and services within the community and offering tips for advocating for those supports and services; and
  • Information on advocacy initiatives designed to improve and expand services, with an emphasis on personal advocates for the parent/caregiver and child on an individual level.

This is an eight (8) class education program for family members of adults living with mental illness.

Click here to register


Saturday: 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Karin Gabrielson
Barbara Vigil
Updated within the last 1 month.